Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Post of Randomness and then some

As you all know, May is one of the biggest months in 2011 for me. We were in GA last weekend for the Homeschool Convention down there - GHEA. It was a lot of fun to get to see the Suarez family again, as well as Todd Wilson's (The Family Man) family as well. It was a great time.

This weekend we have the homeschool convention in PA - CHAP. This is our home territory and we'd be going even if we were going to be in the Old Schoolhouse Magazine booth. I love doing conventions, so I'm really glad to be doing this one too. :)

In exactly one week, my family is leaving for Florida. For the first week, we are there to relax and hang out at Disney World. Then we are doing the FPEA homeschool convention at the end of our vacation. My family was at their convention last year, but it was at a different convention center than it's at this year.


Kylie and I have officially started doing Beautiful in Christ again. Be sure to check out our blog here:
We're hoping to get it revamped and ready to go. We won't be posting a lot, but every now and then - when we feel like we have been called to. :)
