Monday, March 21, 2011


I've been so lazy with my writing so much lately. I can't find myself writing a story that I actually have ENJOYED writing. I have started book after book, thinking that maybe, just maybe, I'll find one that I can actually keep writing, without getting sick of it.
I finished a story - my first story I've ever actually finished that was over 50,000 words - (this was a couple of months ago that I finished it) and I haven't written a good, long story since then. I have so many story ideas and plots running through my head but I can't seem to actually sit down and write them.
I haven't been this lazy with my writing in such a long time and it's actually more tiring than writing a full-length story. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Like, shouldn't I just be able to sit down and write, without feeling like I don't want to? I have to write, it's such a big part of me. I can't stop just because my body is telling me to.

My newest story is kinda fun though. I started this one a couple of days ago and am really enjoying writing this one. It's one of those stories that is so easy to write because it's about the friendship between me and my best friend (Sky.) It's actually only loosely based on it, but the characteristics are the same, so it's so easy in that way. Coming up with the whole plot for the thing was the easy part. Writing it is the hard part. It has to be quirky, cause she and I have a quirky friendship.
(pic to the right: my new characters, Ashlyn and Skylar from my story about my friend and me. If you can't read it - it says: Ashlyn Saige McKinley, Skylar Kendall Williams, Cole Isaiah Barlow, Xaviar Tate Johnston, Trey Matthew McNevan - Oh my! - When friends get together, you never know what might happen.)
Although, my friend, Sky, and I have been writing our story like crazy again. We had gone on a lull and hadn't been writing much but now we're back into the swing of things and we're writing our next novel (when this one's finished, it'll be our third finished), Becoming Bekah. We're really excited about this one. It's our first book that's in third person. I hadn't written in third person before this story and was excited to start something new. It's actually the best we've written together and we're thrilled about this one. You can read all about Becoming Bekah on our writing blog here.
Be sure to read over the Ashen Sky Life Typecasts when you go to our blog. It's a lot of random ramblings but it's also a lot of fun. We just did a Questions and Answer about our stories, writings and our lives. It's quite interesting to say the least.
Sky and I have like 12 plots that need to get written! It's crazy. We've got so many ideas and aren't writing fast enough for our stories likings. But of course, they will wait until we're finished with Becoming Bekah. Which is slowly getting finished. We have about 17-18K more to go, but it probably won't take us too much longer if we keep writing at the pace we are going.
Our first story we ever wrote together was Love Anyway, which took us only 51 days to write and it was 73,000 words. We were pretty proud of that. Of course, that story needs a lot of work before it ever gets shown to anybody, lots of mistakes that need fixed, but it's a good plot.
Although, Becoming Bekah is taking us a little longer - we've been writing it for 72 days - and we have about 64-65K. I think it's because we're both super busy and haven't really had time to write a lot lately. It's kind-of discouraging, but the book is turning out better than we even anticipated.
Anyways, what was the point of writing this blog post?
Oh. Right.
To tell you that I haven't been writing much on my own lately.
I will get back into writing. I will. I will. I will.
'Cause writing is such a huge part of my life. I've been doing it since I was ten. I can't stop now. :P

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